Customer Service Management

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Good customer service comes from knowing our customers


Customer Service was chosen as a specialization because it is a part of my course. I find this topic interesting and important. Customer service is not just being polite; it is going above and beyond for customers. Knowing your customers’ needs and fulfilling them. Our customer are most important in a business they help to keep a business running. I believe learning the aspects of customer service will lead to a successful business. We would be able to identify what our customers require from us. This will let us accomplish total satisfaction. In order to understand customer service you have to broaden your definition, understand who are our customers and develop a friendly approach this will increase communication and build relationship.

Factors of what makes good customer service "good" also depend heavily upon what specific things a particular customer may hold valuable or their expectations from what industry competitors do. (Leung,2014)
Customer Service can be defined as:¨ The practice of delivering products and services both internal and external customers via efforts of employees or through the provision of an appropriate services cape (Hudson & Hudson,2013). Also ¨ It is the science of how to communicate in any customer situation, in a way that produces the most positive outcome for everyone.

Here we have a little video about bad customer service. Our customers are important to us so let us treat them that way. 

The blog will show more about Customer Service; a brief information about it’s history and what customer service entails. The different tabs will direct through a power point, a blog, brochure and poster. also we have many other medias that show cases additional information on customer service. There is also a gallery that will show case charts and we will also talk about the different access to educational software. A page was created to show students grades in excel for the subjects being done. Also we have an interactive social media page just follow the link and have fun learning. 

A PowerPoint lesson was used to show case additional information  on customer service such as:

  • What is customer service ?
  • The six basic needs of customers.
  • The types of customers.
  • Customer expectations.
  • Good customer service.
Also there are links to external sites where students can learn more about the topic . 

The blog created will inform students about the brief history of customer service, what is good customer service and also how to identify customers needs. 

The brochure and poster are printable students can print them as they are a good resource to have as future reference and it is easily accessible. 
