Blog- Making Customers Happy.

On this page you will learn about the history of Customer Service and where it all began. Also you will learn about what good customer service should be. This page is a link to a blog with additional information regarding customer service. The blog has a variety of media that shows the aspects to customer service.

Customer Service can be defined as the science of how to communicate in any customer situation, in a way that produces the most positive outcome for everyone. (Gallagher,2006).

Good customer service is going the extra mile in assisting customers. Answering customers queries in a polite and professional way. It also means showing the customer how important he or she is to you and the business by interacting with he or she in a friendly and helpful and positive way. It is being consistent and taking initiative to assist customers.

The idea of Customer Service began in the late 1700's where merchants developed the idea of how to treat customers. The merchants had to meet the needs of the customer with custom products as well as nascent marketing techniques. Over the years customer service has grown this began when the telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell.

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