Educational Software

What is an Educational Software ?

Educational software refers to software that can be used by teachers and students to support teaching and learning. Educational software is important in any learning environment to allow teachers and students maximize the power of the computer.

Educational software can be divided into two categories:

  1.   Content-free software 
  2.  Content-rich software

Content free software is shown to be more flexible of the two categories as it provides teachers and students with the tools to create their own content. It tends to be dominated by open-ended software products that support the creativity of the user, such as word processing and graphics programs. 

If a teacher is selecting a program to support the creative writing process within the school, they should select a word processing program that meets the needs of their

Content rich software accounts for a large proportion of commercially-produced educational software. It normally includes  multimedia content (e.g., graphics, video, sound, animation, etc.), which is presented in a very structured way.
This type of software is used by teachers to teach topics and by students seeking to gain a deeper understanding of a particular topic. 

Unlike the content free software a person cannot input their own content, because these software tend to restrict user control. 

For more information click here

A complete list of educational software:

  • Authoring Systems
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Graphic Software
  • Reference Software
  • Drill and Practice Software
  • Tutorial Software
  • Educational Games
  • Simultations
  • Special Needs Software
  • Math Problem Solving Software
  • Utility Software
To get additional information about this follow the link below:

In this blog the two educational software used to enhance learning are Desktop publishing and Tutorial software.
